
Showing posts from June, 2020


Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of needles.  I am referring to the injection and blood drawing needles, not the knitting needles.  I like knitting needles, but those other needles...not so much.  There are a lot of reasons for my fear, but I think the primary reason goes back to my childhood.   I have written here about my mother the medical doctor.  For whatever reason, probably for the sake of convenience, my mother acted as our family doctor.  This included giving us all of our immunizations.  I did not do well with that.  I have a very vivid memory of my mother dragging me out from under the bed where I was trying to escape.  She had my ankle in one hand and the needle in the other.  Ugh.  My mother was often on the telephone.  We had phones all over the house to enable her to  answer  quickly  one emergency after another.  One time, she was in the middle of her office hours (her office was in our home).  She was rushing from the living room back toward her office when the ph