
Showing posts from January, 2021

Vaccination for COVID-19 - Part 2

Last week I wrote about my journey to receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.  In Jacksonville we were well on our way to getting folks vaccinated...until yesterday when our mayor announced that, due to a "national logistics issue," local vaccination sites may run out of vaccines by the end of day tomorrow.  My husband tried to get his first vaccination dose last Thursday, but all of the approximately 500 daily doses had been claimed by folks arriving earlier in the day.  He plans to get to the vaccination site early tomorrow morning and wait in line with hundreds of others.  Fingers crossed. So, to continue my vaccination story... When I arrived at the site, there were a lot of cars and a shortage of parking spots.  Police were directing the slow-moving traffic.  I rolled down my car window and asked them where to park (of course I did; it's what I do).  "Anywhere you can find a space," one answered.  Cars were in the grass on the side of the road, on l

Vaccination for COVID-19 - Part 1

I live in Jacksonville, Florida.  We have our moments, especially yesterday when the national news on our local television channel was interrupted by the MAJOR BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT that Urban Meyer, former college football coach, had been hired by the Jacksonville Jaguars.  Hoorah!!! (I honestly don't care, but lots of people do) The highlight of my day yesterday was receiving the first of two vaccinations for COVID-19.  The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is administered in 2 doses, 3 weeks apart.  I'm not a fan of needles, but I am concerned about my health and that of my family, so I was happy for the chance to get the vaccine. Jacksonville, like many cities and states, has struggled with the distribution of this vaccine.  Here, the city began by offering vaccinations at a downtown convention center, by appointment only.  People 65 and over as well as front line medical workers were eligible to be vaccinated.  The immediate problem was getting an appointment; the website crashed, a