
Showing posts from October, 2020

Benefits of Aging

I'm not young, but I don't feel old.  I have trouble accepting the fact that I am in my sixties!!!  Yes, sixties!!!  (I know, my friends, I DO look so much younger 😉.)  When I buy things, I check the warranty and the "use by" date.  Will I expire first?  Hmmm. I could spend my time, and yours, complaining about the challenges and difficulties of growing older, but I think it's helpful to look on the bright side.  So, I'm going to list a few of the good things about this time of my life. 1.  Great discounts!  Yes, I now have Silver Sneakers through my Florida Blue Medicare!!  Yay!  Among other benefits, my YMCA membership is now FREE!  Yes, FREE!!!  (I know I may be a little too excited here, but I attend a number of classes at the Y, so this is a huge win for me.)  Many companies offer senior discounts, and I have an AARP membership.   2.  W hen I get bored,  I can watch my upper arms wiggle endlessly.  I remember when my son was three years old and attending