Cockroaches Ate My Dishwasher

Actually, the cockroaches ate and pooped on my dishwasher computer board, and it died having lost its innards.  As I discovered when cockroaches invaded my Keurig, those suckers love dark and damp spaces.  The dishwasher is dark and damp (I assume, as I've never been inside it when it is closed...).  Also, the dishwasher has tiny pieces of food on the items I place in there before I turn it on with its damned computer board.  Cockroaches love tiny pieces of food. 

Did you know that you can't buy a dishwasher that doesn't have a computer board?  Since we've lost two (!!!) dishwasher computer boards in the last two years, I guess we didn't learn anything when the first one fell victim.  It's cheaper to buy a new dishwasher than it is to replace the damned computer board, what with labor and all that.  Geesh.

Because we live in Florida, we have bugs.  Really, there is no escape from the bugs; they love this hot humid weather. (I'm getting pretty damned sick of the weather myself.)  We have a service that comes once every three months to treat the lawn and the outside of the house, and, if we request it, they will come inside.  When my husband and I both worked, it was difficult to schedule the inside service.  Now that we are both retired, you can bet that the inside guy will be visiting us as often as we can afford; maybe he can live in the guest room.  The inside guy was here after the dishwasher died.  He sprayed some kind of liquid that attracts and then kills the cockroaches, but it takes them some time to sniff out the stuff and then to die...slowly.  I see them skulking around, looking kind of dizzy and confused.  My husband says, "Just squash them!!!"  I can't, I can't.  It's so horrifying to hear that icky squishy sound they make when you stomp on them.  

Anyway, while I'm waiting for the rest of the cockroaches to die, I'll be washing all the dishes by hand, and drying them quickly.  God forbid it gets dark while the dishes are still damp!!!  You know cockroaches love that stuff.  


  1. I am descended from algae and so are cockroaches are my relatives. Still, I recommend learning to squash them, whatever the acoustic experience. A good dishwasher is more important.

    1. It’s just too horrible...I accidentally squashed one this morning. The details are too disgusting to describe. Ugh.


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