Isn't vacation supposed to be rejuvenating?

My husband and I recently went on a Carnival Cruise, visiting Princess Cays and Nassau in the Bahamas. I learned that I am OLD!!! That ship was PACKED to the gills with 2019 graduates, mostly high school grads.  Those kids can party, loud and long. In my mind, and in much of my behavior, I think I am still young, but those kids proved me wrong. My vacation left me exhausted; I am glad to be home so I can get some rest. 
On the plus side, my husband came in second in the Black Jack Tournament!!! Some kid beat him. No, seriously, a young man who teaches middle school won the $500 prize; our young teachers need all the victories they can get.  My husband got a ball cap.  He wears it with pride. 
I am still in recovery.  


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