Hurry up!!!

I am always early.  I wake up early, get to appointments early, get to work (when I still worked) early, and don't even get me started how how early I arrive at the airport.  It's always been that way; it's how I was raised.  

It occurs to me that I blame my upbringing for all that I like and don't like about myself.  As I've mentioned in previous blogs, my childhood was...interesting.  I will write a book about that someday, but for now I'm thinking about how rushed things were.  Because my mother was an obstetrician, she was on call all the time.  I was born in 1954; it would be many years before answering machines or cell phones came on the scene.  Mom had an answering service that was based in another town.  The nice ladies there would pick up her phone calls when she could not, e.g., she was at the hospital, or playing golf, or just outside (no cordless phones back then).  If we went shopping, she would stop at pay phones to check in with the answering service.  God forbid a patient had gone into labor!!!  We had to hurry and get to the hospital so Mom could deliver the baby.  My sister and I often waited in the hospital for however long the labor and delivery lasted...but, that's a story for another blog.

My husband is my total opposite in many ways, and this is one of them.  My father-in-law warned me about what he called the "McGlone shuffle."  That's when the McGlone men say that they will do something, and then slowly, painfully, at a snail's pace, finally start thinking about doing it,  just as I am ready to DO IT MYSELF!!!  My mother was appalled when my husband didn't jump to do her bidding.  Truly, appalled, as in how could I have married someone who doesn't rush to do as I ask?  

Well, it isn't a woman in labor, so what's the hurry?  


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