Introvert vs. Extrovert

As any of my colleagues will tell you, I can talk and laugh all day long.  I don't do well with silence in meetings; if nobody else speaks up, I will.  I may not have anything important or valuable to add, but, hey, maybe I can make these people laugh!  You know the type: saying things just to fill the empty void of NOBODY TALKING!  

Most of us in the education world go to a lot of workshops.  Sometimes these workshops focus on self-discovery; I've attended a few True Colors (see taken a couple of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® personality assessment tests (see  My most recent True Color is orange, and my most recent Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ.  I say most recent because our personalities do change as our circumstances change.  I'm not nearly as shy or afraid of the world at large as I was in my youth.  I've learned through my years of education and exposure to different work environments, home situations, people, and places that I am capable of dealing with a lot, as long as math and parking the car are not involved.

While I can laugh, talk, and entertain all day long, when I get home I REQUIRE my alone time.  No talking, please.  I am in recovery.  After I sit undisturbed, or take a nap, I can engage in conversation and even make decisions.  But not until I decompress.  Despite the endless yakking at work, I absolutely must take a break.  Sorry, family.  You'll have to give me a minute...or sixty.


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