
Years ago I started getting strange headaches in the mid-morning.  I couldn't understand why; I wasn't sick or under any unusual stress.  I mentioned it to my husband, and asked him if he noticed that I had been doing anything different that might be causing the headaches.  He thought about it for a while, and then told me that he had decided that I need less caffeine, so he had been making my morning coffee with half decaf.  I remember my response, "WHAT?!?!?!?"  Yes, it was lovely that he was concerned about my caffeine intake, but, well, there are no words.  From that day forward, my husband has never touched my coffee or anything in the vicinity of my coffee.  Geesh.

My daughter told me that I was an addict.  I think that's a bit harsh.  I prefer coffee aficionado.  I blame my childhood (so what else is new?  I blame my childhood for just about everything...unless it's my husband's fault).  We drank instant coffee when I was growing up.  My grandmother got me hooked on it at an early age by adding lots of milk and sugar.  It was like dessert first thing in the morning, with an extra little boost.  Just what a kid needs to get going!  When I went away to college, I discovered real coffee, well, as real as it could be in the cafeteria.  The important thing was that the coffee was brewed.  What a concept!  I became real bad-ass, drinking black coffee by the gallon.  

A few years ago I jumped on the Keurig bandwagon.  I know, I know, it is bad for the environment, all those pods that are not biodegradable.  I felt guilty, but it was so freaking convenient, one cup at a time in such a wide variety of flavors.  Mother Nature got me back for the damage I caused.  One morning, I opened my Keurig to insert my first pod of the day, and a HUGE cockroach climbed up from the Keurig innards.  I screamed (I always scream bloody murder when I see a cockroach), then slammed the lid down on that sucker.  Then I thought, "I wonder how long I have been adding cockroach parts to my coffee..."  That was the last time I used a Keurig.  

Now I consider myself a true coffee connoisseur.  After consulting the experts that are my Facebook friends, I bought a French Press.  That thing makes real Coffee with a capital C.  Bliss.  I'm not hurting the environment with pods, and I am getting more caffeine than ever.  Win win!!!


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