Football and Season Tickets

I admit that I don't understand every nuance of football.  I don't know how my husband spots all those penalties before the referee announces them; I don't get why these guys are paid millions of dollars even though they don't last through the first game of the season (sorry, Nick Foles); and, aren't those skin tight pants uncomfortable? Don't even get me started on the mysteries of jock straps (I really don't  want to know...blech!).

My parents were both football fans.  My father grew up in Pittsburgh, so he was loyal to the Steelers.  My mother supported the Eagles because we lived in the Philadelphia area.  She loved the kickoff, and got really upset if she missed it.  I remember my parents watching football on television as they drank their martinis (gin and extra dry vermouth with olives or cocktail onions) and/or Manhattans (bourbon and sweet red vermouth with maraschino cherries).  Apparently, watching football games requires alcohol consumption, sometimes to excess.  

I didn't care too much about football until I attended college at the University of Delaware.  All students were expected to support the U of D Blue Hens, so I dutifully walked with my roommates to the stadium on game day.  I didn't drink alcohol until I got to college, and I didn't drink beer until I got to the stadium.  Humble beginnings of a lifelong habit...Anyway, flash forward to Jacksonville and the Jaguars.  My husband is a HUGE sports fan.  When we moved here, he went into severe withdrawal.  This man is from Philadelphia, for God's sake!!!  He had the Eagles, the Flyers, the Phillies, the Sixers...So, we got season tickets to the Jaguars.  I can't say I loved going to the games.  

My enjoyment of Jaguars football was dependent on the people seated around me, and their state of (or lack of) sobriety.  Unlike football in Philadelphia, football in Jacksonville is often a sweaty, stinky affair, with overheated drunks spilling their drinks and snacks on me.  I don't think they aim for me, but...who knows?  At one game, a young lady got so inebriated that she stripped down to her underwear.  Security escorted her out.  Games could get really ugly...and that was just in the stands.   

Now to the day that I told my husband I would not be going back to a Jaguars game.  As the game began, the seats next to us were still empty.  Yay!!!  This was great; I would have room to move, and I wouldn't have to worry about stuff landing on me, well, at least from that angle.  Up the stairs came a very large couple...with a BABY!!!  A BABY!!!  Oh, no!!!  It was like 110 degrees that day.  The woman had her shirt stuffed under her bra, so both her midriff and lower back were exposed.  "OK," I thought, "It's hot, I can handle this."  She sits down and part of her extends into my seat.  "It's OK, she can't help it.  She has her hands full of baby," I thought.  Then, I noticed that she was giving her baby Mountain Dew.  MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!  She turned to me and said, "He is so sticky and he won't calm down!!!"  I thought, "That's because you're giving your baby STICKY MOUNTAIN DEW...loaded with CAFFEINE!!!"  That was my last Jaguars game.  I told my husband I would be fine (REALLY) with him attending the games without me, but I was done.  DONE.  The end.  


  1. The mama with baby reminds me of the line "There's no cure for stupid!"
    Have a wonderful weekend, Victoria.


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