My nose is a nuisance

I know there are much more troubling things happening these days, but I need to write about my nose.  I have lots of nose-related troubles; I will share three of them with you.  Today is your lucky day!!!

My latest nose problem was my own fault; I stayed on the beach too long without sunscreen.  My nose was so burnt that it looked as though someone had lit it on fire.  While the scabbing eventually healed, I developed a Rudolph-like red nose that will never fade.  Use sunscreen!!!  The dermatologist told me I was very fortunate that it wasn't cancer.

I have something called hyperosmia.  It means I am super-duper sensitive to smells.  Smells can make me sick.  For example, my husband likes to toast some God-awful (to me) frozen waffles in the morning.  To me, the smell is so horrible, it awakens me in the bedroom when he is toasting in the kitchen.  Worse, the smell never dissipates; it lingers for hours, making me feel nauseated.  My head hurts and I feel a migraine coming on.  One day, I noticed the smell was missing.  My husband had taken the toaster out to the garage, where it remains.  God bless this man.

Hyperosmia was quite troubling while I was still working and attended LOTS of meetings in person.  If someone with perfume, aftershave, body lotion, hairspray, etc. sat near me, I would need to move away.  I always explained, but some folks took it personally and very seriously, getting hurt or angry.  It wasn't fun for anyone.  

Finally, for now anyway, I have gustatory rhinitis.  My nose runs whenever I eat.  Again, embarrassing, especially when eating out (not that that's a problem in the global pandemic).  Sometimes I forget about my endless tissue supply in my lap, and used tissues either drop on the floor or end up in the restaurant's laundry (I know they hate that, and rightfully so...blech).  One of the many doctors I consulted about this gave me medication that dried up my nose.  It also dried up my mouth and my throat.  I didn't last long on that.  

That's all for now.  A future post may cover the problem of skiing while my nose is running.  At least that stuff freezes eventually.  


  1. Don't feel bad about writing about your nose. After all, Norah Ephron wrote "I Feel Bad About My Neck"!

    About the rhinitis: "This too shall pass" - I wish it for YOU and for this horrid pandemic.

    1. Thank you, Marian! Yes, this too shall pass. I appreciate your comments, and you!

  2. I think noses and difficulties with them is a very relevant topic. The whole virus business relates to our breathing systems.

    1. Thank you, Bill. For some reason, comments weren't showing up on my blog, so I am very late in thanking you for your comment, and your encouragement.


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